Using Other Currencies
You can pay for transactions in any of the 14 cryptocurrencies we support.
Currency / Blockchain | Currency | Parameter Value | Bundlr Support | WebBundlr Support |
Aptos | APT | aptos | yes | yes |
Algorand | ALGO | algorand | yes | no |
Arbitrum | ETH | arbitrum | yes | yes |
Arweave | AR | arweave | yes | no |
Avalanche C-Chain | AVAX | avalanche | yes | yes |
Boba | BOBA | boba | yes | yes |
Boba-eth | ETH | boba-eth | yes | yes |
Chainlink | LINK | chainlink | yes | no |
Ethereum | ETH | ethereum | yes | yes |
Fantom | FTM | fantom | yes | yes |
Near | NEAR | near | yes | yes |
Polygon | MATIC | matic | yes | yes |
Solana | SOL | solana | yes | yes |
To use a different currency, simply link your private key and supply the currency name when creating a new Bundlr object. The accepted values for "currency_name" are listed in the third column of the table above.
General Format:
import Bundlr from “@bundlr-network/client”;
const bundlr = new Bundlr("<node_url>", "<currency_name>", "<private_key>");
await bundlr.upload(“Hello world”);
Matic Example:
import Bundlr from “@bundlr-network/client”;
const bundlr = new Bundlr(“”, “matic”, “<matic_private_key>”);
await bundlr.upload(“Hello world”);
You can also use our devnet with free devnet currencies available from public faucets.