📄️ Introduction
Overview, links to tutorials and GitHub.
📄️ Installing The SDK
Npm and Yarn install links.
📄️ Connecting To A Node
Public and Devnet node addresses.
📄️ Getting Node Balance
Getting funded balance on a node.
📄️ Funding A Node
Funding a node before uploading.
📄️ Withdrawing Funds
Withdrawing excess funded balance.
📄️ Downloading Data
Accessing data stored on nodes.
📄️ Uploading Data
Uploading data to Bundlr / Arweave.
📄️ Uploading A File
Uploading files to Bundlr / Arweave.
📄️ Uploading A Folder
Uploading entire folders to Bundlr / Arweave.
📄️ Utility Functions
Bundlr utility functions
📄️ Supported Wallets
Supported wallet types for all blockchains.