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Withdrawing Funds

Funds deposited into a node can be easily withdrawn at any time. The function bundlr.withdrawBalance(amountInAtomicUnits) accepts an amount (in atomic units) to withdraw and returns a response object that includes transaction id, requested amount, network fees, and final cost.

The code below checks the funded balance and then withdraws it all.

try {
// 400 - something went wrong
// = "Not enough balance for requested withdrawal"

// 200 - Ok
// = {
// requested, // the requested amount,
// fee, // the reward required by the network (network fee)
// final, // total cost to your account (requested + fee)
// tx_id, // the ID of the withdrawal transaction
// }
// 1. Get current balance
const curBalance = await bundlr.getLoadedBalance();
// 2. Withdraw all
const response = await bundlr.withdrawBalance(curBalance);

console.log(`Funds withdrawn txID=${} amount requested=${}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error funding node ", e);